country | Cuba |
country code | CUB |
CCR year | 2022 |
CO2 emissions per capita (CpC), tCO2/y,cap | 1.87 |
CpC to World | 43% |
CpC weight | 11% |
CO2 emissions per GDP (Cp$), tCO2/$GDP | 0.00019 |
Cp$ to World | 73% |
Cp$ weight | 11% |
cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years per cumulative GDP (CCp$$), tCO2/$GDP | 0.000354 |
CCp$$ to World | 110% |
CCp$$ weight | 22% |
change in CO2 emissions per capita in the last 10 years (CpC10), tCO2/y,cap | 71% |
CpC10 to World | 75% |
CpC10 weight | 11% |
change in CO2 emissions per GDP in the last 10 years (Cp$10), tCO2/$GDP | 56% |
Cp$10 to World | 75% |
Cp$10 weight | 11% |
CCR Rating a lower number means less CO2 and a better rating | 73 |
country position on the CCR list of a total 209 | 77 |
A-G CCR label | D |