Nowagreen Climate Change Rating of Countries - CCR 2021

country:    British Virgin Islands (VGB)  2021

 country    British Virgin Islands  
 country code    VGB  
 CCR year    2021  
 CO2 emissions per capita (CpC), tCO2/y,cap    5.09  
 CpC to World    116%  
 CpC weight    29%  
 CO2 emissions per GDP (Cp$), tCO2/$GDP    0.000111  
 Cp$ to World    41%  
 Cp$ weight    11%  
 cumulative CO2 emissions in the last 30 years  
 per cumulative GDP (CCp$$), tCO2/$GDP  
 CCp$$ to World    43%  
 CCp$$ weight    9%  
 change in CO2 emissions per capita  
 in the last 10 years (CpC10), tCO2/y,cap  
 CpC10 to World    75%  
 CpC10 weight    11%  
 change in CO2 emissions per GDP  
 in the last 10 years (Cp$10), tCO2/$GDP  
 Cp$10 to World    75%  
 Cp$10 weight    12%  
 CCR Rating  
 a lower number means less CO2 and a better rating  
 country position on the CCR list of a total 208    63  
 A-G CCR label    D  

CCR 2021 table sorted by country code

CCR 2021 table sorted by CCR Rating

Climate Change Rating of Countries - CCR Main Menu
details, CCR formula and calculations - in publication 'Climate Change Rating of Countries'
DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10677134,    on Research Gate (free, no need to login)
